Choosing Ascension: An Introduction to the Spiritual Path


There is a common misconception among spiritual seekers that the goal of the spiritual path is to reach a state of enlightenment (AKA a permanent spiritual awakening). In reality, the spiritual path does not have an end goal. Instead, this process is a journey commonly known as “ascension.” One of the several possible “side effects” of the ascension process is an awakening experience.

In other words, awakening is neither the end, nor the means to that end. Ironically, attempts to speed up the awakening experience (such as via drug use) will actually slow down the ascension process. But we can speed up the process immensely if we understand what ascension is and how to consciously ascend.

What is Ascension?

The process of Ascension is another term for spiritual evolution. When people talk about “raising vibrations,” this is part of the ascension process. The (current) key aspects of the ascension process while on Earth are the following:

  • Balancing one’s remaining karma in order to end the cycle of reincarnation
  • Forgiveness of self and others
  • Dropping all judgments
  • Living from the heart instead of the mind

Note that the process of ascension continues even after we leave the cycle of reincarnation. The Ascended Masters (i.e., spirit helpers who no longer reincarnate) are still ascending. In fact, it has been said that the ascension process is a never-ending process.

Stages of Ascension

Some sources claim there are 352 formal levels of ascension. These levels are analogous to grades in school, and are usually referred to as “initiations.” The initiations that concern us the most on Earth are 1-6. Short descriptions of them are below.

  1. A basic mastery of the physical body
  2. A basic mastery of the emotional body
  3. A basic mastery of the mental body
  4. A conscious decision to prioritize the spiritual over the material
  5. The balancing of karma, and the release of fear and drama
  6. The integration of the Higher Self with the physical body

The successful completion of the first three initiations occurs over the span of thousands of lifetimes. But once a person reaches the third initiation, it is possible to pass the fourth, fifth and sixth in the same lifetime. Note: once the fifth initiation is passed, the cycle of reincarnation is broken and a person no longer reincarnates unless they choose to do so (as an act of service).

Although some people evolve more slowly or quickly than others, humanity as a whole has been passing the initiations levels in stages. Currently, most people born before the year 2000 are working on passing the third initiation. However, many (if not all) who have been born in the last 20 years have already passed the third and are working on the fourth.

Here is a general timeline of the evolution of humanity

  • 1st Initiation: The time of Lemuria (approximately 100,000 years ago)
  • 2nd Initiation: The civilization of Atlantis (approximately 30,000 – 20,000 years ago)
  • 3rd initiation: Ancient Egypt to about the year 2000
  • 4th+ initiations: starting around the year 2000 (there is overlap between those working on the 3rd and 4th)

Ascension Event vs the Process

In spirituality, ascension can be used to describe two related things: the ascension (into “heaven”) and the process. The story of Elijah in the Bible is an example of the event. Because he had reached a certain initiation level (presumably at the 6th or higher), Elijah was able to consciously leave his physical body and ascend to the spiritual world.

Please note, however, that this possibility is a choice. It is also possible to remain in the body and remain on Earth until physical death. At the present time, most people who are able to ascend choose to remain on Earth instead. Part of the reason for this choice is that staying in the physical body provides a service to humanity. But there is a practical reason as well: it can be easier to pass initiation levels (up to a certain point) while in the physical body.

In any case, there is a point at which existence in the physical body is no longer useful for spiritual progress. This point is at about the 9th initiation. However, there are spiritual masters that do incarnate after reaching this level. An example of such a person is Sai Baba, who has had multiple incarnations on Earth after passing the 9th initiation.

Ascension and Free Will

Everybody is participating in the ascension process, not just spiritual people. However, most people are not aware of ascension, and therefore will often get stuck at certain levels and lessons. When a person is consciously aware of the process, there is a far greater potential for progress, and less chance of endlessly repeating the same lessons.

Think for a moment about a mouse in a cage with two open doors. Beyond the first door, the mouse can see a piece of cheese. The second doorway is covered by a cloth, so the mouse doesn’t know what is there. Because the mouse can see the cheese beyond the first door, it chooses that route. But each time the mouse approaches the first door, it is electrocuted and temporarily paralyzed.

When the mouse recovers from the shock, it has the same two choices. Go for the “known” and experience the pain, or move toward the unknown. At any time, the mouse can decide to go towards the second door, but it is up to the mouse to make that decision.

The ascension process is somewhat similar. We can continue to relive the same patterns of behavior over and over regardless of the pain that they cause us. Or we can decide to take another path, even though this path leads to the unknown. The choice is ours, but the sooner we make the choice, the faster we will be able to make progress.

Slowing Down Progress

As stated before, it takes thousands of lifetimes to reach the third initiation. Likewise, it can take thousands more lifetimes to reach the 4th and 5th initiations IF we continue to follow the path of “least resistance.” But if we choose to consciously ascend, we can reach the 5th initiation in a single lifetime.

It is necessary to note, however, that we often desire to speed up the process artificially, including via the use of hallucinogenic drugs. What these drugs do is artificially force a large current of energy through the body, which creates a temporary expansion of consciousness. And while this awakening experience can be a very powerful experience, it does not help your ascension process. On the contrary, there is a danger of “blowing the circuits” of your energy body, which in turn will make it harder for you to ascend.


This is the first article of a 2-part series on Ascension. In this article, I focused on introducing the ascension process. In the next article, I will talk more about what we can do in our daily lives in order to consciously ascend.