A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Importance of Discernment


One of the many challenges of the spiritual path is learning how to distinguish truth from falsehoods and deception. It is not uncommon for something or someone to cross our paths that poses as good or truth, but later turns out to be otherwise. Such experiences teach us the valuable lesson of discernment.

However, learning from other’s mistakes can save oneself a lot of time on the spiritual path. In this article, I will list several warning signs to watch out for. By using this information, you can safeguard yourself for falling into a trap based on false teachings.

Mystery Schools vs. Secret Societies

The purpose of mystery schools is to teach spiritual truths to those who are ready to use this knowledge in a wise a respectful manner. By studying the ancient mysteries, a student can make tremendous progress on their spiritual path. Yet learning these truths is also a great responsibility, as to misuse this knowledge for personal gain can lead to disastrous consequences.

Secret societies – which often pose as mysteries schools – have perverted spiritual truths and deceive their students through various manipulations. It can be easy for a student to fall prey to these societies, as their teachings, symbols, and ceremonies mimic those of the true mystery schools. Note that while some secret societies are created as such, others are the result of a mystery school that has been corrupted.

How to distinguish:

  • Secret Societies control and manipulate students with perversions of the truth. The members take loyalty oaths that often include threats of punishment. These societies teach perverted teachings that aim for personal gain and/or spiritual “powers.”
  • Mystery Schools teach spiritual knowledge to students for the purpose of spiritual progress. Students are instructed to guard secrets to prevent abuse by others, and they are never controlled nor manipulated.

Note: it is important to distinguish between a loyalty oath to an organization versus an oath not to divulge spiritual truths (to people who would be easily attempted to abuse those truths). For example, the Masons take oaths to protect their mysteries. This is done to prevent their abuse and perversion by those who are either are incapable of understanding them, or simply want to pervert the teachings for their own advantage.

Part of the Masonic ceremonies involve indicating what will happen if a member should break these oaths. Unfortunately, many members do not understand that the consequences are symbolic of what will happen to the person at the spiritual level. As a result, some Masonic groups have turned into secret societies as a result of members who have misinterpreted the purpose of such oaths and their spiritual consequences.

Spiritual Organizations vs. “Cults”

The beginning of the spiritual path often starts with some sort of existential crisis. I.e., a person no longer finds meaning in the pursuit of material gain and pleasure. Searching for the true meaning of life will often propel a person to explore spirituality.

But not all spiritual organizations are what they seem. Some spiritual groups are designed to entrap spiritual seekers by giving them a sense of purpose and belonging. Yet the ultimate purpose of these cults is to obtain power over its members.

Spiritual organizations are designed to help individuals on their spiritual journeys.  Cults are designed to benefit the cult leader (via power and/or money). There is no hard line between an organization and a cult. Instead, there is a spectrum with some organizations at either end, while many more exist somewhere in the middle.

How to distinguish:

  • Spiritual organizations are not concerned with self-survival, and do not regard themselves as the exclusive path to God/enlightenment. They exist to promote the spiritual teachings.
  • Cults use control tactics to separate members from “outsiders” such as: preventing communication with family non-members, excommunication/shunning of “bad members,” shaming or punishment for immoral behavior. Cults claim to be the ONLY true path to God and heaven.
  • A spiritual leader does not manipulate members to stay in the organization, and does not view other spiritual leaders as rivals. A spiritual leader is willing to work with teachers of different belief systems in order to serve others. The spiritual leader does not make demands, and does not judge or condemn.
  • A cult leader creates an image/idol of themselves (via wealth, fancy clothes, etc.) I.e., the image of the cult leader is worshipped. The cult leader demands respect and loyalty from members, and may create arbitrary rules for the purpose of testing obedience. The cult leader is offended by criticism, and does not like to admit to being wrong.

Alchemy vs. Black Magic

Even within spirituality, the topic of alchemy is not widely understood. In popular culture, alchemy is the process of turning lead into gold. In a spiritual context, the process of “turning lead into gold” symbolizes self-purification (which leads to a reconnection with God/Source). What is important to understand about spiritual alchemy is that is it a “science.” In other words, the process and elements required are always the same.

For alchemy to work, the following three elements are needed: a container, energy, and substance. The type of substance that is used depends on the type of alchemy being conducted. For example, when illumination occurs (the raising the kundalini), the chrism oil is a substance that is released into the brain (the vessel) via the kundalini energy.

The perverted form of alchemy is “black magick.” It is also known as magik or magic. However, alchemy (which is sometimes called “white magic”) may also be referred to as magic. If the magic is used for selfish purposes, then it is black magick. Types of black magic include the following:

  • Curses or spells to harm others (including voodoo).
  • Spells for personal and material gain.
  • Any magic that interferes with free will (such as love potions).

How to distinguish:

  • Alchemy concerns spiritual purification, healing, and personal growth.
  • Black magic is used for acquiring the desires of the ego.

Spiritual Communication vs. Psychic Powers/Abilities

There is a common misunderstanding that psychics and mediums are spiritual people, or that they have advanced spiritual abilities. But in fact, this isn’t necessarily true. Being a psychic or medium simply means that the person can contact entities on the astral plane, and not the higher spiritual planes.

There are many “levels” of reality, which are often called “planes of existence.” The lower planes (etheric, astral, and mental) are dualistic in nature, which means that they contain both the light and the dark (i.e., good and evil). People who are psychic often contact entities that live on the astral plane. The astral plane is also where we “live” between incarnations. Thus, mediums who contact dead people are making contact with the astral plane.

In general, everyone has contact with the astral plane; it is where our astral bodies travel while we are dreaming. No spiritual progress is necessary to make contact with or travel to the astral plane because the astral plane includes all the lower levels of vibrations that can be found on the physical plane.

In contrast to the lower planes are the spiritual planes. These planes are non-dualistic, which means they contain only love and light. Anyone who escapes the cycle of reincarnation will pass over to these higher spiritual planes after death. For humans on the physical plane, contact with the higher planes is only possible when we raise our vibrations. However, contact with spiritual beings involves the effort from both sides: the human must raise their vibrations, and the spiritual being must lower theirs to make contact.

The following methods are used to contact the astral or spiritual planes:

  • Ouija board: astral plane, low vibrational entities only
  • Tarot, Pendulums and dowsing rods: astral plane, negative or positive entities
  • Automatic writing and channeling: astral or spiritual planes, negative or positive on astral

Note that the tarot, pendulum, and dowsing rods are meant to contact our higher selves on the spiritual plane, but this contact happens via the subconscious (which is sometimes called the lower self) on the astral. Note that drugs used for spiritual experiences will open a person up to the plane corresponding to their level of vibration. Thus a “bad trip” occurs when a person experiences the lower levels of the astral world.

How to distinguish:

It is not possible to discern between messages of spiritual versus astral beings using logic. Instead, a person must use their own intuition to distinguish between the two. People who have progressed spiritually will be able to more easily discern between spiritual messages and deceit. However, ordinary people could be easily led astray by astral beings seeking to trick people.

  • Spiritual beings will never demand to do anything; they will only request or give advice.
  • Malevolent astral beings will use half-truths, make demands, and spread messages of fear.

Deceased loved ones on the astral plane who feel that they have unfinished business on Earth will often attempt to contact loved ones on the physical plane. They usually bring messages of love and assurances that they are OK.

Ceremonial Plant Medicine vs Recreational Drugs

It is commonly believed that the use of certain drugs can lead to spiritual experiences, but this is not quite true. It would be more correct to say that certain drugs can artificially produce a spiritual experience. However, the habitual use of drugs (regardless of the reason) is usually counterproductive to spiritual progress and potentially harmful to physical health.

The spiritual experience of an expansion of consciousness happens upon the opening of the 3rd eye. This typically occurs after a certain amount of karma is balanced, and the kundalini energy rises from the root chakra into the head (either temporarily or permanently).

Hallucinogens create a similar experience by temporarily removing the screen from the 3rd eye chakra. The drugs actually damage the chakra screen, although this screen is typically repaired within a few hours. In some cases, however, the chakra screen is permanently damaged; this will typically result in major mental disorders.

The use of drugs often results in a build up of “sludge” in the aura. This sludge makes it harder for energy to move through the energy field, which can lead to poor health and a weak immune system.

That said, plant medicine does have its uses. For instance, trauma can be healed via hallucinogens by bringing back repressed memories. (This is not the only way to treat trauma however, and it is not necessarily the safest either.) Additionally, plant medicine that is used in sacred ceremonies can lead to profound spiritual experiences.

It is important to note that – for safety reasons – plant medicine should only be used within the context of a ceremony and administered by a healer. The ceremony creates a sacred space that prevents negative astral entities from entering the area and producing a “bad trip.”

How to distinguish:

Plant medicine for spiritual purposes includes the following factors:

  • Used as part of a ceremony
  • Administered by a healer
  • Prepared (or acquired) by the healer

Recreational drug use is self-administered and often habitual.

The Teachings of Jesus vs. Christianity

During his ministry, Jesus proclaimed, “I have come to fulfill the law.” In other words, humankind was at the evolutionary stage where adherence to strict moral codes were no longer necessary for those on the spiritual path. Instead of rules, Jesus taught others to simply love God and love each other. He further cautioned against judging others who “sinned,” and believed that hypocrisy and judgement (especially by religious teachers) was a worse problem than breaking moral codes. In the eyes of Jesus, sinning was simply action that separated people from God. The separation from God itself was the punishment for sin, and thus his teachings focused on bringing people back into connection with God via their own Divine Selves.

Unfortunately, the teachings were quickly perverted by those who used the growing popularity of Jesus’ messages as was means for gaining political control. The result was a new religion that mixed some of Jesus’ teachings with many concepts borrowed from other popular religions of that time period. By design, Christianity was turned into a means for controlling the general public by threatening sinners with eternal damnation. Additionally, the Catholic Church became a tool for political control by claiming that the pope had divine right to rule over all the nations and people on Earth.

Although there are many different “versions” of Christianity, I am grouping them all together due to their common belief about taking Jesus as one’s Savior. At its foundation, Christianity claims that a person must accept Jesus as their personal savior to be saved from hell. In reality, Jesus does not play favorites: he saved everybody (from an overwhelming group karma), and it isn’t necessary to be aware of this fact. What is necessary is for each person is to put forth the personal effort to purify themselves and reconnect with God. This can happen as a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, or a non-religious spiritual seeker.

How to distinguish:

  • The teachings of Jesus are of love, forgiveness, compassion, and non-judgement. He taught by example with the utmost humility, and showed his followers how to live in order to escape from the cycle of reincarnation. Jesus regarded men and women as equals and had a group of women teachers as well as the twelve male disciples. When a woman was brought before Jesus who had committed adultery, Jesus did not tell her to accept him as her savior to be saved. Instead, he simply told her to “sin no more.”
  • Christianity involves the ideas of guilt for sinning, final judgement, “original sin,” and the concept of eternal hell for sinners. Christianity claims that people can only become saved via accepting Jesus via a Christian Church.

Sexual Alchemy (Sex Magic) vs. Sex Magick

Most people regard sex as a means for pleasure or producing offspring. But sex can also be used for spiritual purposes in the form of sexual alchemy. In this process, the womb is the container, the sperm is the substance, and sexual energy is the energy. If the process is carried out with full intention, steady focus, and proper channeling or energy, a blissful, spiritual experience could result. Note that sexual alchemy can also be performed without a partner, but the method is obviously different (and more energy is required).

In contrast, sex magick uses sexual energy for selfish purposes. Very often, sex magick rituals are performed in group settings. The purpose of sex magick is to use sexual energy for material desires and power.

How to distinguish:

  • Sexual alchemy is used for spiritual illumination. It is not performed in a group environment, and usually occurs between two people who are in a loving relationship.
  • Sex magick involves sex rituals with acquaintances or strangers for the purpose of using sexual energy for the manifestation of selfish desires.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Corrupted Mystery Schools

Throughout the ages, the knowledge of the mystery schools has been abused and perverted. It is believed that during the time of Atlantis (before ancient Egypt), corrupted priests used DNA manipulation to produce beast-like creatures to be used as slaves. In Ancient Rome, the government had multiple incidents of problems arising from mystery school groups that had “gone rogue.” For example, there are documented cases of “mystery school” cults participating in nighttime killing sprees, as well as engaging in the ritual sacrifice of young children. In the modern age, these satanic “mystery cults” continue to persist.

One current organization that has been repeatedly accused of being a satanic group is the masons. Originally, the masons were designed to be a mystery school. However, over the years they have been infiltrated by satanic organizations (such as the Illuminati). However, due to the secrecy inherit in such organizations, many members are not aware of this infiltration.

Technically, the masons are not a mystery school because the higher level members do not directly teach spiritual truths. Instead, the mysteries are found in the symbols of their rituals, buildings, and ceremonial clothing. It is up to the individual members themselves to explore the symbols and discover the hidden messages. Even members of the highest orders within freemasonry do not always understand the truths behind the symbols. Because the symbols are open to misinterpretation, it is important that each person rely on their own judgement to determine the hidden meanings.

Once members get to the highest known levels, they could be potentially recruited by the Illuminati, who will approach them with the claim that there are additional “secret” levels. These higher levels are not part of the original masonic teaching structure, but unsuspecting members are unlikely to realize this. Furthermore, members who have not understood the spiritual purpose of the masons might easily be tempted to enter into the corrupted levels of this secret society.

Conclusion: Reacting to “Evil”

It would be easy to suggest that people who are engaged in perverse practices, or who try to manipulate others, are “evil.” However, I would caution anyone from making any such judgements. By judging others, we make ourselves vulnerable to falling into this same evil that we are judging.

Judgement leads to criticism and attack of others. In doing so, we lose sight of the fact that – at a higher level – we are all interconnected. When we judge others, we tend to stay in a state of ego-consciousness instead of working towards unity consciousness. It is therefore best to treat all people – including those that wish us harm – with love and compassion.

Updated: 22 November 2022

Image by Jeff Jacobs