[Video] Introduction to Holistic Medicine



Recently I saw this video of a comedian who was making fun of holistic medicine. It was obvious from the video that he didn’t really understand what holistic medicine was about but then again a lot of people don’t understand what it’s about. So that inspired me to make this video which I’m going to really go down simply as possible and explain okay this is what holistic medicine is about this is how it works.

Many people understand with holistic medicine that we’re not treating just a part of the body we’re treating the whole body but that still doesn’t really explain what it is we are doing with holistic medicine. So close your eyes for a moment and think about people in your life that you don’t really like this could be like a family member it could be somebody that you know at work it could be a politician it doesn’t have to be somebody that you know on a personal level but people that uh get on your nerves you can’t stand if you see them on the news you think oh this [guy is] ridiculous.

All right: you got those people in mind everybody’s got somebody like that in their life all right now each one of those people that we just thought about those are actually reflections of aspects of ourselves that we have separated from that we no longer identify with as part of ourselves. They’re still part of us but we have rejected them on some level the reason that we have disassociated with those parts aspects ourselves is due to the experiences in this life or what you would think of as a past life where something has happened that made you ashamed/guilty, etc. of something that what we done but really was basically a part of who we are. And we felt that that part of us was not good enough and as a result that part of us we have um rejected it on some level.

So realize that these parts of self actually still are in us in our you know energy field but they’re just separated energetically from us on a conscious or subconscious level and so the energy flow throughout our energy field within our body is not connecting with these pieces of ourselves because they are energetically disconnected from us now anytime that uh we have disconnect when it comes to energy flows that’s going to affect not only our aura or the energy field of our bodies but that energy flow is also going to eventually affect the physical part of our bodies because it’s not getting the energy flow that we need to those places so what ends up happening is that those places that are not getting energy correct uh healthy energy in the body where it’s not flowing correctly those places are going to manifest physical diseases after a while.

Once we realize that physical diseases are not random and when we say physical it’s also physical and emotional mental diseases. Any of these things are a sign that we have we are separated from parts of ourselves. So think about it for a minute: when you have a disease or illness and you go to a doctor and say okay I want to have this cured what you’re doing is you’re actually trying to heal uh the sign of the real problem. It would be like going to an auto mechanic and saying hey I’ve got this check engine light on I need you to turn that off. You’re not actually dealing with the actual problem.

So even if you “cure” that disease the real problem that caused the disease is still there and that’s why that’s where holistic medicine comes in. Because holistic medicine wants to go to the root of the problem and not the sign that there’s a problem.

The interesting thing about physical diseases is that the diseases themselves can reflect what type of issue we are dealing with at the deeper level. Over the years,. people have noticed a correlation between the type of illness and what it reflects at the deeper level.

So just to give a quick examples: cancer, for instance. What does cancer do? Cancer kind of eats the body and it reflects a an issue that is really eating at somebody or is constantly on their minds. Quite famously Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer and according to holistic medicine the pancreas is connected to fatherhood. So we could suggest possibly that something related to being a father was an issue here. And if you look up Steve Jobs’ his personal life we know that he had a daughter that he was estranged from.

The correlating cancer for women is breast cancer breast cancer is believed to be the cancer related to being a mother. So if a woman has breast cancer this could do with issues of a relationship with their own mother their own child. There has been a debate over for instance abortion and whether it has a a connection with breast cancer. Some people say yes some people say no. It’s actually neither because it just depends: if the mother feels guilty about an abortion then yes that [could] lead to breast cancer.

So you can see how the disease is a reflection of something deeper inside that needs to be healed. So the point of holistic medicine is to determine what is the real cause of the illness or the sickness. What is going on in our lives that we need to re-identify and reconnect with: those parts of self that we have disconnected from at the deepest level and to make ourselves whole again at that level.