[Video] The Meaning of the name “Israel”


Today I want to talk about something that’s really fascinating: the meaning of Israel. Before we get started on this topic, there is a caveat. This topic will challenge your belief systems.

To decipher the fascinating hidden meaning of the word Israel, we need to understand two things. The first is that this word is comprised of three parts, and the second thing is we have to know what the actual origin of the word Israel is.

Some people will say that the word Israel comes from the Bible and the Bible comes from God. so the name Israel comes from God. But humans wrote the Bible, so we want to determine who those humans were.

If you search online, there is some debate regarding the meaning of the name of Israel. Some suggest that Israel means “a person who struggles (or has a conflict) with God” or “Prince of God.” It’s interesting to note that there isn’t a definite answer and people are basing their guesses off of the idea that the word Israel comes from the Hebrew language. But as we will see shortly, that’s not actually true.

Origin of the word Israel

Let’s first investigate the topic of where the word Israel originates from. I’m going to give a few clues that will help us put the whole puzzle together. The first one is that according to Jewish mysticism, the stories in the Old Testament are not to be taken literally. Instead, they are symbolic. They are mythology.

For somebody who grew up in a Christian household like I did, that could be a little bit mind-blowing at first. But if you start to think about it you realize that it actually makes a lot of sense.

The next (and very significant) clue is that the Masons – who have passed along their hidden teachings for many centuries – believe that the Temple of Solomon was not located in Jerusalem. Instead, the historical Temple of Solomon was actually located at the Great Pyramid.

This is not a minor detail because the Temple of Solomon is the foundation for the Mason’s teachings: it is the foundation to everything else that they teach.

There is an Australian, contemporary author and researcher by the name of Tony Bushby. He spent decades researching the mysteries of the Bible and the origin of the Bible. And Tony came to the same conclusion: the Temple of Solomon was at the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

Another thing to consider is what has been pointed out in the documentary Zeitgeist, which is that the character of Moses in the Bible is basically a copy of a previous character from Egyptian mythology called Mises. These two characters have a lot in common.

Finally, going back to Tony Bushby: one of the things that he wrote about in his books is that – based on everything that he’s researched – he concludes that the Old Testament was likely written by Egyptian priest (and that the Hebrew language likewise originated from this group of priests.

To summarize: the origin of the word Israel comes from ancient Egypt. As soon as we recognize this fact, it becomes a lot more clear what the word Israel actually stands for. If we break it up into the three syllables, IS-RA-EL: immediately the middle one stands out.

Meaning of Israel

“Ra” is the son god of Ancient Egypt. According to paganism, including ancient Egyptians, the son God was connected to the symbol of the cross. What they did in Christianity is they turned “sun god” into “Son of God” and Christ (the son of God) as the light of the world. Well, the light of the world is the sun.

The next syllable that’s somewhat obvious is “El.” In the Old Testament, there are a couple different names for God: there’s Yahweh, but the first one was actually translated from the word “Elohim.”

Elohim is the word that they used for the God who created the earth. Now Elohim can be translated as singular or plural. In spirituality, we recognize that the Elohim are plural Creator Gods, and we have names for them.

Additionally, the word “El” itself predates Hebrew: it is an ancient word that means god. So El stands for (in this case) the father Creator God.

Last we come to the first syllable “Is” which is short for Isis. Isis is the mother goddess of ancient Egypt, and she is the precursor from which the mother Mary character is based off.

Summing it all up, we have Isis – Ra – El. So we have the mother goddess, the Son of God, and the Father God. In other words, Israel actually stands for the Holy Trinity.

Some people might think that the Holy Trinity is a Christian concept, but this is actually not the case. Even mainstream scholars admit (and you can easily find this information online) that the ancient Egyptians had the concept of Holy Trinity centuries before it became a Christian teaching.

Before we end this topic, there is a bonus: the word Israelite. In the Bible, the people from Israel were called Israelites; today we call them Israelis. Israelite is the light that connects with God or the light that is united with God. In other words, an Israelite…a light worker…is a person who has become spiritually enlightened.