Below are some recommended practices for spiritual seekers. Keep in mind that it is not the practices themselves that are important; what is important is that these practices assist you on your journey of opening your heart, raising your vibrations…
Finding God in Everyone
Spiritual Healing According to spiritual healer Joel S. Goldsmith, the key to healing a client was surprisingly straightforward. All that was necessary was to be “completely aware” that the client did not need to be healed. How this was actually…
The Manifestation Trap: Seeking the Kingdom of Man
One of the current “hot topics” that is getting a lot of attention these days, including among those on the spiritual path, it the subject of manifestation. Generally speaking, manifestation is a technique for attracting into your life the things…
Prayer vs. Meditation
Prayer and meditation are two very useful spiritual practices. Most people tend to incorporate either meditation or prayer into their spiritual practices, but not both. (Or they at least tend to emphasize one over the other.) Sometimes there is a…
Worrying About What Others Think
While meditating this morning, I realized that the majority of the time my attention was focused on either past or future interactions with others. On further reflection, I found a common “theme” to all of them: my ego was especially…