[Video] Spirituality and Politics


In the US this year, 2024 is an election year, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to explain how we, on the spiritual path relate to politics. How do we deal with it? We’ve got a few long months ahead of us where there will be a very divided nation.

A lot of people who are spiritual. Of course wanted to make the world a better place and might say, OK, this candidate is good. That candidate is obviously evil. So, you know, we have to make sure that we’re on this side and not that side.

But how do you know really, which is a good side? Because I know people who will say this is the good side and other people will say that’s the good side. So something you have to keep in mind about the physical world that we live in is that it is a duality and there’s nothing that we can do to change that, no matter how hard we try. No matter how much we want, to have peace here and get rid of anything that’s not peace.

It doesn’t happen. That’s the same as saying, OK, I want to have only daytime and not night time. You have to have yin [and] yang. You have to have both. There cannot be in this reality the supposed good without the supposed bad.

So, philosophy would kind of actually stop there. And say, OK, there’s always just going to be both. You can’t have it any other way and that’s where spirituality actually has a more optimistic message in saying that that you cannot change duality but you can transcend it. And that’s exactly what famous spiritual teachers such as Jesus and Buddha were explaining.

People think that, OK, I have to judge something in order to say that it’s bad. For instance, you know, war is bad. We don’t want war. But that’s actually doesn’t work because we know that there’s war and duality. That’s just part of duality. That’s just how it works. There’s going to be war, there’s going to be peace. Those things have to exist. And if we’re judging something outside ourselves, we’re actually doing is judging ourselves and who we are. We’re not accepting ourselves as who we are, and we are imperfect people.

Anytime we judge it or anything else of ourselves, a person, politician, whatever, we’re actually judging ourselves. And that’s something that’s very important to keep in mind. As long as we cannot accept and love people…we know that they’re flawed. The world’s flawed. We know that it’s a duality.

Now Jesus gave us the greatest hint about how do we actually get out of duality and transcend it. And his remark was “resist not evil.” “Resist not evil.” That doesn’t mean that we are going to do evil or give it a thumbs up. We’re just not going to judge it. Because any judgment keeps us trapped in duality. If we take a side either direction, we stay trapped in here.

Resist not evil means to accept everything as it is now, and the point of that is that anybody can accept and love a situation when they are happy with what’s going on. The key in this physical duality is to learn unconditional love, and that means to keep your heart open and to be love even when things are not working the way that you believe they should work. And once you get to that level where you can accept and love everything, it’s game over.

So on a practical level, what does that mean? That means love your neighbor. Love your “enemies.” Love everybody. You’re not giving them the green light to do whatever they want, you’re just accepting them as a flawed people they are. When you do that, you accept yourself as the flawed person that you are on the physical level and that becomes the end of the game for you.

By maintaining a loving energy in physical duality, it raises your vibrations to the point that you basically float out of duality. The only way that you can be in duality is to have lower vibrations. Once you start raising those vibrations, once you’re always in a state of love, you no longer can exist in the state of duality. It’s not going to be possible. You’re not going to be able to be here anymore.

So you’re actually raising yourself up out of the lower vibrational state and in doing so. Because you’re connected to everybody else, you’re raising vibrations raises the vibrations of reality in general. At some point, reality itself will no longer be a duality. Because the vibrations of the universe has been raised to a level that dunality will no longer exist.

Again: if you judge reality, you’re lowering your vibrations, you’re keeping reality the same, you’re keeping it a duality, and you’re keeping yourself trapped in that duality. But by raising your vibrations, by staying in that state of love, you’re not only transcending out of duality, duality itself is transmuting into something higher into a fifth dimensional reality based on love.