[Video] 5 Rookie Mistakes that Spiritual Seekers Make

In this video, I discuss 5 rookie mistakes made be spiritual seekers.


Hi this is Jeremy Elliott with Positive Resonance. Today we’re going to be talking about five rookie mistakes that spiritual seekers make.

Mistake #1: Mantra-Splaining

The first rookie mistake is something I like to call “mantra-splaining” Mantra-splaining is when you learn a new concept such as “we are all one,” “the world is an illusion,” “time is an illusion,” etc., etc. and then you use these mantras at all inappropriate moments for the ego to prove its spiritual knowledge.

For instance, a person could be trying to explain something to you; they’re having a lot of troubles in their life and you’re like, “oh don’t worry about it: life is an illusion.”

Spiritual concepts are not to solve problems: they are for understanding the nature of reality. If your friend needs somebody to listen to them then you need to listen to them. Don’t be spouting off your vast spiritual knowledge which is not going to be helpful in that moment. In other words: if somebody’s asking for a hug, then give them a hug.

Mistake #2: Spiritual Entitlement

The second rookie mistake is something that I call “spiritual entitlement.” Spiritual entitlement means that somebody who is now into spirituality thinks, “okay now my life is going to go just perfectly. Everything should be fine.” And then after a while of doing your spiritual practices…you might be doing meditation, yoga, eating more healthy foods, and things like this but life isn’t getting better. In fact, it seems to be getting worse.

In some cases, it’s not just getting worse: life is even starting to fall apart. So what often happens at the beginning of your spiritual journey is something that’s called the “Job Initiation” and on the number scale it’s about the fourth initiation. So what is happening is that a lot of the things that no longer serve you in your life are going to start falling away and they’re going to eventually be replaced by something better.

But in the meantime you’re going to feel like your life is kind of falling apart and that you’re doing something wrong. In the Bible, the story of job is exactly about this initiation or this experience of  staying on the spiritual path even though everything basically falls apart. It can be considered a test but it’s really kind of more of a rebirth.

Mistake #3: Ego Manifesting

The next mistake is something that I call “ego manifesting.” When you’re doing ego manifesting, you’re using a spiritual concept which is a law of attraction but you’re letting the ego use it for its own benefit. So what you’re saying is, “okay, I now know how to attract things in my life so I’m going to go straight to attracting money and material possessions and a beautiful partner, etc.

Now these are the things that your ego wants and thinks it needs to be happy. The problem with that is your ego will never be happy no matter what the ego gets. So instead of using the Law of Attraction for ego manifesting, The Law of Attraction should be used for the soul because when your soul achieves inner peace it is not going to matter if you have material possessions or not.

So what the manifesting should be about when used properly is for the purposes of achieving inner peace, healing inner wounds, clearing out old things that you don’t need. Because inner peace is what’s going to bring you happiness. Once you’re able to calm yourself inside and be at peace with yourself inside, then your world’s going to change.

Mistake #4: The Astral Trap

The next mistake is what I call the “astral trap.” A lot of people have this idea that anything that’s metaphysical is spiritual and that’s not really true. What people don’t realize is that in the metaphysical there is an astral world and also higher spiritual worlds.

In the astral world there are a bunch of entities and things that you cannot see. There are lower vibrational entities and higher vibrational entities. So in non-technical terms there is good stuff and the bad stuff. When somebody is channeling something from the astral world…let’s say your friends get together and say, “okay let’s get out the Ouija board and contact the spirits.”

Well, you could be contacting anything. It could be something that intends to harm you. If you’re channeling it could be anything. It could be somebody legit or it could be somebody who’s pretending.

One of the points of this is that part of the spiritual path one…one of the lessons…is learning discernment. You have to be able to you check internally with yourself: does this resonate? Is this positive or not? You cannot simply be relying on metaphysical sources for knowledge and direction. You have to rely on internal direction. So it’s very important to not just think that because it’s metaphysical that it’s spiritual and good.

Mistake #5: The “I’m Awake Now” Syndrome

The last rookie mistake that I want to talk about today is called the “I’m awake now” syndrome. The  entire woke movement is guilty of this and I’ll explain what happens.

First of all, when you have a spiritual awakening: that is the beginning of your spiritual journey. So if you’re not aware of that, it’s going to cause a couple problems.

The first problem is that you don’t realize that there’s a lot of work that still needs to be done. That’s going to work against you and the biggest problem here is that you immediately judge other people and want them to be living at the same standards or level of awareness that you’re now living at. You start judging other people, and judging others is one of the most detrimental things (if not the most detrimental thing) that you can do on the spiritual path.

Now everybody can think of recent examples in society where a certain group of people with a level of awareness thought, “oh we need to change this.” And immediately if something is changed, they believe, “okay, everybody needs to be on the same page.”

But we’re not on the same page. We’re all at different levels. When you have a certain level awareness, you need to allow other people to come to that same level of awareness on their own. When you judge other people and say, “hey, you need to be acting this way too,” that leads to a resistance from the other people and it’s going to take them longer to catch up. So that level of awareness has to come with a non-judgmental attitude of the fact that everybody’s at their own level of awareness and their own place of development.

If you saw a baby, you wouldn’t laugh at that baby or judge that baby because they can’t do Algebra. Realize that you are not superior to the baby because you can do algebra. The baby is simply not at that level of development where it’s capable of doing algebra. And that’s the same thing with people on this planet: not everybody is yet capable of being at the same level of awareness as you because they are not at the same level of development.


So that is the five rookie mistakes that spiritual seekers make. If you like that list I actually have a total of 17 in my new book that I have published: Sacred Journey.

I do want to mention something very important about making mistakes. We tend to think that making mistakes is a bad thing but actually it’s very necessary for helping us to grow. When somebody has beginner’s luck and they do it right the first time: when they later mess up they have no idea why they messed up because they never made the mistakes to begin with in order to learn what not to do. So they’re clueless.

But somebody who has made all those mistakes…if they mess up again they know exactly what they did and they know how to fix the situation. So the point of the video is not to say, “Hey, don’t make the mistakes!” The point of this video is to give you an awareness of the mistakes that you can make so you can recognize the mistakes you’re making faster and go ahead and correct them faster and move along at a quicker pace on your spiritual journey.