The Secret Teachings of the Bible


In the Bible, Jesus gave secret teachings to his disciples. From a Christian perspective, all that is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven is to take Jesus Christ as your savior. So what was the point of having secret teachings?

In the past, humans were not at a level of spiritual evolution for accepting the deeper spiritual truths. Saying such truths out loud could get a person put to death. However, this is no longer the case: teaching spiritual truths is no longer dangerous. People in general are ready to accept the previously hidden spiritual truths, and the time has come for them to be revealed.

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible

Before I introduce the secret teachings of the Bible, I will first present to you the key to unlocking these teachings yourself. Our education system teaches us to look at the world in a certain way. Science tells us that only what we can see and what we can observe is real. Yet if we believe this, then we blind ourselves to the spiritual nature of reality.

This same principle can be applied to the Bible. Christianity has taught us that stories in the Bible were about people who lived a long time ago. This blinds us to understanding of what those stories are actually all about

When the spiritual world communicates with us, they don’t tell us stories about other people. Instead, they often speak in symbolism to reveal spiritual truths about ourselves. And this is the key to understanding the Bible.

In other words: we are Adam and Eve, we are the serpent in the Garden of Eden, we are Moses, we are King Solomon, and we are Christ, the only begotten Son of God. If anyone had said that we are Christ a few hundred years ago, they would have been burned at the stake. But we are now entering into the New Age and the spiritual community has actually been saying this for quite a while now but using slightly different terminology. What they’ve been saying is that we now need to become aware of and cultivate our Christ Consciousness. To enter Christ Consciousness is to be aware of our Divine nature…to know that we are God.

The Fall of Humanity

The symbol of the two snakes wrapped around a pole is called the caduceus. (Note: this is not the same as the Rod of Asclepius used by the medical community; that symbol has one snake.) In the Bible, the winged serpent is another name for the caduceus. It represented humans in the distant past (before the fall) at a time when we still had an awareness of our divinity.

Long ago, we were aware that we were Gods. Or more accurately: we were aware that we were part of God. As part of God, we all have free will and we decided to use free will to experience what it would be like to not be aware of our Divinity. To accomplish this, we had to lower our kundalini energy so that we could experience love versus fear, good versus evil, and light versus dark.

When the kundalini energy was lowered from the crown chakra to the root chakra, this resulted in the snake that crawled the Earth. This fall of our Kundalini energy resulted in us transitioning into physical bodies which in the Bible our called coats of skin.

To eat from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil simply meant to experience duality. The natural consequences of living in a physical body were birth and death. In other words: child birth was not a punishment of any original sin. Instead, it was the natural consequence of being in a physical body. If we think about it: since we are part of God, there is nobody above us to punish us for anything.

The cherubim who stand at the gates of the Garden of Eden symbolize the medulla oblongata, which is at the top of the spine. Until a person resurrects their kundalini energy, that kundalini energy cannot pass over the threshold into the promised land, AKA the kingdom of Heaven (which is within). So the story of the Garden of Eden is how the Kundalini fell, and the rest of the Bible stories symbolize and give us a road map of how we resurrect that kundalini energy.

Spiritual Development

Jesus was born of a virgin. This simply symbolizes that we are all born of Mother Earth, who is considered a virgin.  At the birth of Christ, the three wise came offering gifts. Those three gifts represent the physical, mental, and emotional bodies that we must purify in order for the birth of the Christ within us.

The 33 years of Jesus Life represent the 33 vertebrae of the spine which the kundalini energy must pass over to reach the brain center, which is the Kingdom of Heaven. (On a side note, this is why the Masons have 33 levels in their mystery school.) The spine is also known by many other names including the straight and narrow, the winding path, and Jacob’s Ladder. In spirituality, we also call it the Rainbow Bridge because the chakras along the spine are the same colors as the colors of rainbow.

In the story of Noah: after God “punished” humanity with a flood, he created the rainbow as a covenant that he would never do anything similar again. The rainbow symbolizes the bridge which the Kundalini must pass over so that we can restore our connection with God

Becoming Divine Creators

Kundalini energy is creative energy when used by the higher chakras and sexual energy when used by the lower chakras. When we’re raising our vibrations, we’re able to accumulating energy for creating music, dancing, and all types of artistic expressions needed for creations which benefit humanity.

We also use Kundalini energy for sexual activity, which leads to the creation of new human beings. When we’re using sexual energy for expressions of love or for procreation, then our kundalini energy will not be depleted (as long as our sexual activities occur in moderation). In contrast, excessive sexual activity will deplete the kundalini energy which can potentially deprive a person from having it available for other creative purposes.

More significantly, if we deplete all our kundalini energy, then it will be impossible for it rise for us to obtain spiritual enlightenment. (When the kundalini energy rises up to the brain centers to spark a spiritual enlightenment, this event is often referred to as a “kundalini rising.”) When Jesus said that nobody knows the time of my coming, he was cautioning people not to deplete their kundalini energy because you cannot predict when a kundalini rising will occur.

Spiritual Purification

Our karma is stored in what is called the “heart seed atom.” From puberty until death, the karmic images of previous lifetimes and past experiences is slowly dispersed into our bloodstreams. When we clear these images via spiritual purification, we are undoing those karmic images and effectively “turning iron into gold” (as the alchemists would call it) or we are parting the Red Sea, which is the symbol that is used in the Bible.

Jesus commented that the greatest commandment was to love God and love others. He also cautioned against judging others. These spiritual practices are what will allow us to part the Red Sea, erase our karma, and free us from spiritual bondage. Parting the Red Sea is the process of spiritual purification that is also symbolized in the Bible by the number 40. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years before entering the promised land. There were 40 days and nights of rain during the flood of Noah to purify the Earth. And Jesus went out into the desert for 40 days to pray.

The blood sacrifice of the innocent lamb of Passover is the same blood sacrifice of Christ upon the cross. In other words, the symbols of the Passover and the crucifixion are exactly the same: it is the innocent blood that is spilled for the sake of humanity. This blood sacrifice represents the blood that has been purified through unselfish deeds and the cultivation of love.

Once this purification process is complete, it is then possible to reach the promised land, which is spiritual enlightenment. And spiritual enlightenment is regaining conscious awareness of our inner Divinity.

Rebuilding the Temple of Solomon

The Rainbow Bridge is not the actual spinal column; it is an energy meridian that runs along the spinal column. As a result of the Fall of Humanity, this energy meridian was broken at a point around the heart or the throat area. This meridian must be rebuilt via good thoughts and good deeds, and until the meridian is restored it is not possible for a kundalini rising to occur.

A common expression is that the body is a temple. Our temple, the Temple of Solomon (“Soul-man”) was destroyed and must be rebuilt. The rebuilding of King Solomon’s temple occurs via our constant “good works” based on our unselfish love for self and others.

Once King Solomon’s Temple has been rebuilt, the Rainbow Bridge is restored which paves the way for a kundalini rising. When the kundalini rises up to the brain, this sets off an alchemical reaction which results in mystical marriage between King Solomon himself (the pineal gland) and his Queen of Sheba (the pituitary gland). When these two glands unite in this mystical marriage, it results in the opening of the third eye, which is spiritual elimination.

The opening of the third eye will give us that conscious awareness of our inner divinity. This is the meaning behind Jesus teaching: “If your eye is single, your body will be full of light.” I.e., when your third eye is open, you are spiritually “illuminated” and your spiritual body will become an intensely bright light.


In summary, the raised Kundalini is represented by the winged serpent. Note that in some cultures, the winged serpent is represented by a dragon, which is an indication of personal power. A person who recognizes their inner divinity is someone who is standing in their power.

Humanity chose to use Earth as a virtual reality for experiencing what it would be like to live in a world of opposites: to experience light versus dark and love versus fear. Spiritual enlightenment is about regaining a conscious awareness of our divine nature, which is result of the cultivation of unconditional love.

Anybody can show love or express love to those who love them back. But the challenge is to unconditionally love: to love your enemies and not just your friends. The example of Christ showing love to those who killed him is the greatest example of what we are trying to accomplish in order to establish an awareness of our true selves.

We are attempting to connect with the pure light and love of who we are, and this is only possible when we realize that the physical world is an illusion. As long as we think that everything here is real we’re going to get off balance by what other people do to us and by what we think we lack in order to be happy. The story of the resurrection of Christ is really the key to recognizing that everything in this world is illusion; that death is an illusion, and that love is our salvation.

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