According to a May 2013 Gallup report, 29% of adults in the U.S. have been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lives. But what is more noteworthy is the increase in the percentage of people who have experienced…
What is Spiritual Healing?
Introduction In today’s society, we have this concept of good health versus poor health. If we are in “poor” health, we consider ourselves to be “broken” and believe that it is the responsibility of the medical establishment to “fix us.”…
The Secret Teachings of the Bible
Introduction In the Bible, Jesus gave secret teachings to his disciples. From a Christian perspective, all that is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven is to take Jesus Christ as your savior. So what was the point of having…
Entering the Promised Land: The Spiritual Meanings of Biblical Symbols Part Two
Part One of this article can be found here: The Spiritual Meaning of Symbolism in the Bible: Part 1. Introduction Due to the information now available on the Internet, an increasing number of people have become aware of the fact…
[Video] The Meaning of the name “Israel”
Introduction Today I want to talk about something that's really fascinating: the meaning of Israel. Before we get started on this topic, there is a caveat. This topic will challenge your belief systems. To decipher the fascinating hidden meaning of…
[Video] Negative Emotions: When They are Beneficial vs. Harmful
Transcript Hi, this is Jeremy Elliott with Positive Resonance. Today, I want to talk about raising vibrations versus the need to feel negative emotions. When we're on the spiritual path, there is often an emphasis on continually raising our vibrations…
[Video] 5 Rookie Mistakes that Spiritual Seekers Make
In this video, I discuss 5 rookie mistakes made be spiritual seekers. Introduction Hi this is Jeremy Elliott with Positive Resonance. Today we're going to be talking about five rookie mistakes that spiritual seekers make. Mistake #1: Mantra-Splaining The first…
[Video] Be Aware of What is in Your Food!
It's time to be more aware of what you are eating. Many of the items that are put in food are not safe or healthy but are added anyway to make food more "attractive." Be aware of what is in…
[Video] Understanding and Healing our Triggers
Transcript: Introduction Good morning today we're going to be talking about what our triggers are telling us. This is such an important topic; if you understand what I tell you today it can potentially change your life so last week…
[Video] Introduction to Holistic Medicine
Transcript Recently I saw this video of a comedian who was making fun of holistic medicine. It was obvious from the video that he didn't really understand what holistic medicine was about but then again a lot of people…