Introduction From a religious perspective, sexuality and relationship are not generally regarded as serving a "higher purpose". This article explains the spiritual importance of both sexuality and relationships. The Purpose of Sex On a basic level, the spiritual purpose of…
Removing Negative Beliefs
Introduction Whether we are aware of them or not, most of us carry around negative beliefs about ourselves, despite the fact that these negative beliefs affect our mental and physical health. Additionally, these negative beliefs also create barriers that prevent…
Pain Mixed with Pleasure: The Consequences of Child Punishment
For raising children, we traditionally use a system of punishment for bad behavior, although the type of punishment used tends to vary from household to household. What few realize, but is important to recognize, is the effect that such a…
Understanding Holistic Medicine
Introduction In our current society, the standard medicine practiced by doctors in clinics and hospitals is known as allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine’s approach to healing is to treat an illness or disease directly at the level of the physical body.…
Why Mind Reading is not as Scary as it Seems
For those of us on a spiritual path, one of the minor frustrations of life is that society as a whole still does not accept the reality of “high-sense perception”. The notion that we as humans have the ability to…
6 Modern Causes of Unhealthy Weight Gain
I recently read an article that claimed that our current obesity problem could be solved if everyone would cook all their own food. Frankly speaking, this idea may have value, but it falls short of solving anything. First of all,…
Awakening: A Means to an End
I was already in my late 20’s by the time that I first learned about the idea of enlightenment. Initially, I didn’t really understand what it was, beyond the (false) belief that attaining enlightenment was the only true way to…
Dieting vs. Healthy eating
Healthy eating is a skill. Just as it’s not possible to become a concert pianist in one day, nobody can choose to start eating healthily "overnight". Healthy eating takes knowledge, practice, and patience. Instead of taking the time to learn…
Worrying About What Others Think
While meditating this morning, I realized that the majority of the time my attention was focused on either past or future interactions with others. On further reflection, I found a common “theme” to all of them: my ego was especially…
The Contradictory Laws of Attraction
At some point in life, you might notice (as I did) that there are seemingly two contradictory Laws of Attraction: Law of Attraction #1: “Opposites Attract” Law of Attraction #2: “Like Attracts Like” The “opposites attract” law is generally used…