Parable of the Bridesmaids When I was a young child, one of the parables of Jesus that confused me the most was the parable of the bridesmaids. Here is a synopsis of that story. Late in the evening, there were…
The Path of The Lightworker
One term that is used a lot in spirituality is the word “lightworker”. I’ve seen discussions about what this word actually means, so in this article I’d like to first clarify what a lightworker is. On the spiritual path, what…
Awakening vs. Enlightenment: Understanding the Difference
In Buddhist texts, the terms “awakening” and “enlightenment” mean the same thing. In other words, to say that the Buddha was awakened means the same as saying he was enlightened. They are both referring to the same concept. Some people…
Raising Your Vibrations: A Practical Technique
At times spirituality can seem a bit complicated, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Significant progress can be made simply by doing one thing: raising one’s vibrations. If you work on doing this even a few minutes a…
Processing Negative Emotions
One of the common misconceptions I often come across is the idea that negative emotions (in and of themselves) are a hindrance to spiritual progress. The logic goes like this: I need to raise my vibrations to be a spiritual…
New Age Parenting
Moving into the age of Aquarius is a paradigm shift. In order to make the transition as smooth as possible, it will be necessary to change our old habits, thinking, and patterns of behavior. Among the things that necessitate a…
Ascension in the New Age
What is Ascension? In general terms, the goal of each person on this planet is to ascend. However, the meaning of this word is confusing to some people, so I would like to explain exactly what it means. Ascension is…
Understanding Sexual Desire
There is a lot of attention in the media these days in regards to inappropriate sexual behavior. A big part of the problem is that there is very little understanding about sexual desire and how it works. In this article,…
Identifying Cult Behavior
Introduction The spiritual path involves many “tests” (more formally known as “initiations”) that will have to be successfully passed before reaching the final goal of reunion with God. Some of these initiations include: learning to master one’s sexual energy, truly…
Spirituality and Drugs
Update – January 29, 2022 Part of the spiritual journey involves the ever-expansion of knowledge and experience. Regardless of what I know, I also realize that I never have the full picture. Recent experiences of mine have helped me come…