Self-Healing Techniques for Vaccine Detox and Covid-19


In this article I explain how to:

  • Safely take the covid-19 vaccine
  • Detox and heal from the covid-19 vaccine (if you have already taken it)
  • Heal yourself from covid-19 or any other illness

Vaccine Safety

Under normal conditions, vaccines are tested for several years to ensure they are relatively safe. An exception was made for the covid-19 vaccines, so it has never been proven that the risks of the vaccine outweigh any possible health benefits. We already know that there are many harmful side effects to the vaccine, but it is too early to know what all the long-term negative effects might be.

I think it’s fair to say that people have a right to be skeptical of the vaccine. The companies that created the vaccine have a huge conflict of interest (i.e. profit over public health and safety). That said, I also wish to say something that may seem contradictory: there is no reason to fear taking the vaccine.

Fear of the Vaccine

From a spiritual perspective, each of us has much more control over our health than we care to admit. Illness and health are not just random events that occur to us, but instead are greatly influenced by our emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Dr. Edward Bach once explained that the easiest way to fall ill is to be afraid of falling ill, as the emotion of fear weakens our immune systems.

This doesn’t mean that we can completely prevent illness. What this means is that we do not have to fear getting sick. Fear is a choice. And the less that we fear becoming ill, the healthier we will become. Likewise, it is important to realize that it is no more necessary to fear a vaccine than to fear the virus. Even if the vaccine temporarily causes us sickness, in the end we can completely heal ourselves of all negative effects.

Currently, the push to mandate vaccines has caused a lot of chaos in society. Many people who refuse to take the vaccine have lost their jobs, or are under threat of losing them. In some places, being vaccinated has become a requirement for certain venues or social events. Overall, it seems like an incredible misjustice that anybody should be coerced to take a potentially dangerous vaccine against their will.

But there is another way of looking at what is happening. What if there is actually a positive reason behind this current chaos. In my view, the current situation is an invitation for people on the spiritual path to more fully embrace their own power. And to help in such an endeavor, I offer the following method for safely taking the covid-19  vaccination.

How To Safely Take the Covid-19 Vaccine

If you decide to take the vaccine, here is a method for eliminating harmful side-effects and implants.

The method: right before you take the vaccine, set a clear intention in your mind that anything in the vaccine that is harmful will be safely flushed out of your body. If you want to strengthen the intention, then visualize any harmful elements from the vaccine flowing right out of your body.

And that’s it. As long as you firmly set the intention without any fear, then you will be fine. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that. HOWEVER, the conscious mind usually doesn’t believe that it can be so simple. That is why healers (such as Jesus) would ask those who requested healing to perform certain tasks (i.e. rituals).

These tasks are not just to satisfy the conscious mind, however. Note that our bodies have consciousness, and the ritual helps communicate our intention to the body. In fact, the consciousness of our bodies and cells is child-like, and loves communication that is symbolic.

The Ritual (optional): After you have finished taking the vaccine, conduct the following ritual on the same day. Go to a bathroom and grab a few pieces of toilet paper. Imagine that the toilet paper represents the harmful elements of the vaccine. Wad up the toilet paper, throw it in the toilet, and flush the toilet. As you do so, reaffirm that you are now safely flushing all the harmful elements of the vaccine from your body. As you do this, also visualize the harmful elements of the vaccine leaving your body.

Spiritual Healing: Accomplishing the “Impossible”

In the Bible, the master healer Jesus made a comment about “becoming like little children.” This is a very important idea in spirituality, and especially when it comes to healing techniques. Let me illustrate with an example. If I were to give instructions to a skeptical adult about how to heal using only visualizations, the adult might easily respond by saying something like “this is stupid!” But if I were to explain the exact same technique to a group of children, they would likely start practicing the technique with enthusiasm and without question.

Why? Because children have yet to be tainted by beliefs of what is possible and what is not. In other words, in order to accomplish something amazing or extraordinary in life, it is necessary to “suspend” one’s beliefs about what is possible. Meaningful change cannot occur on this planet by people who don’t think such change is possible. Nor can healing occur within a person who does not believe it can be done. But when a person believes that anything can happen, the impossible becomes possible.

In western medicine, doctors will sometimes tell a patient that they have only a few weeks left to live. Some of these patients will believe the doctor and lose hope that there is any chance of recovery. As a result, this belief will turn into a reality.

At other times, however, the patient will refuse to believe the doctor. Sometimes, it is the “death sentence” itself that sparks a new determination to stay alive. This determination can help a patient live for much longer than the doctor predicts, and in some cases, the health issue completely vanishes altogether. Such spontaneous remissions cannot be explained by science. They are only explained by understanding that we humans can accomplish so much more than we believe we can.

How to Heal Yourself from the Vaccine

Use this method if you have already taken the vaccine at some point in the past and wish to heal your body from the effects.

Note: if you would like professional help for healing from the covid-19 vaccine, I offer a paid service on Fiverr.

Step 1: Connect to your heart, by opening yourself up to feelings of love for yourself and others.

Step 2: Request assistance of Higher Self to perform the healing. It isn’t important if you don’t know who your Higher Self is or have never communicated with your Higher Self. The only thing that is important is that you do ask for assistance. If desired, you can also ask for the presence and help of other spiritual beings, ascended masters, or angels that you would like to help you.

Step 3: Visualize yourself under a pyramid of white light. Next, see a pillar of bright light coming down through the top of the pyramid through your body and into the earth. This column of light connects you to the spiritual world (above) and the physical world (below).

Step 4: Connect to all the DNA strands in each cell of your body by sending love to them. Ask your DNA to restore itself to the original template. Visualize your DNA repairing itself (using your imagination).

Step 5: Connect to all the cells of your body. Ask your cells to return to their previous state that they were in before taking the covid-19 vaccine. Visualize the cells healing themselves.

Step 6: Connect to your physical heart. Ask your heart to repair any damage caused by the covid-19 vaccine. Visualize the heart healing itself.

Step 7: When you are done with the steps above,  send love to your whole body and feel that you are now healed. Give thanks and appreciation to your body for the healing, and thank your Higher Self (and anyone else who participated) for their assistance.

Step 8: take a few deep breaths, returning awareness to your physical body. When you feel ready, you can now proceed with the rest of your day.

How to Heal Yourself from Covid-19 (or other illness)

This is a very powerful method for self-healing of any illness including covid-19.

Note: this method is not intended for treating chronic disease.

Step 1: Completely relax the body. There is a tendency to not relax during illness, especially in situations when you are in pain. In fact, being in pain can make it seem that it is impossible to relax.

It should be noted that the typical reaction to pain is the same as our reaction to negative emotions: we don’t want them. As a result, we try to repress them, which makes the situation worse. It’s the same with pain: the resistance to pain significantly prolongs the pain. By relaxing, the pain is able to “run its course” much more effectively.

Step 2: Prepare to connect with your Higher Self. Before we can connect with the Higher Self, our bodies must be completely relaxed. Once we are relaxed, we should “connect to our heart space.” What this means is that we feel ourselves with love, which can be done in whatever manner works best for you. For example, you can visualize yourself embracing a loved, hugging a small child, or holding an infant. Any of these can potentially open up your heart to feelings of love, and that is the goal here. Once you feel love in your heart, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Ask your Higher Self to aid with your healing. Note: there is not one right way to do this, but there are some techniques that can make the process more effective. For example, you can ask your Higher Self in your mind, but it can be more effective to ask out loud.

Another thing you may wish to do is visualize your Higher Self when you are asking for help. It doesn’t matter if you have never seen your Higher Self or talked with them before: simply visualize what you think your Higher Self might look like. It’s that simple.

Your request does not need to be an elaborate prayer. What is important is to make the request. Simply saying: “Dear Higher Self, please help me heal from my illness,” is sufficient.

Step 4: Once you have asked your Higher Self for help, it is now time to do your part to aid in your healing. This part of the technique is extremely effective and not very complicated. However, it does require effort and concentration. Here is what you do.

For the remainder of the time you are too sick to be in bed, you want to do two things at the same time. First, continue to keep the body as relaxed as possible. Second, visualize yourself in the most pleasant, relaxing, and healing environments possible. You may want to visualize yourself at the beach. Or you could visualize yourself in some sort of ancient or modern healing room. You could even visualize yourself getting a massage.

To make the technique even more effective, try to feel what you are visualizing with as many of your senses as possible. For example, if you are lying on the beach, feel the heat of the sun. If you are in a healing room, feel the energy of the crystals that are around you in the room.

Any time your mind wanders, bring your attention back to your visualization. However, don’t put any pressure on yourself to maintain your focus. Whenever you realize that you’ve gotten distracted, gently bring your attention back to the visualization. By doing this technique, you can recover from any illness in a remarkably short amount of time.

Concluding Thoughts

Covid-19 has been a major disrupting force worldwide for the better part of two years now. Most people see covid-19 as something that has caused a lot of death, economic destruction, and major inconvenience. But frankly speaking, there is also a more positive way of viewing covid-19.

The world is currently in the middle of a major energetic shift. As such, covid-19 provides a force that allows for certain systems to align with this shift at a faster pace. For example, the current healthcare system of most Western Countries is showing signs of falling apart. And there is a new and better way of providing health care that is waiting to be created.

Without covid-19, the transition to a new and better system could have taken many times longer. It is now likely that the current events will motivate many people to come up with better solutions and systems a lot faster.

In short, we are likely on the brink of a major evolution in the way that we implement healthcare. Prepare to see many disillusioned health care workers abandon the old system and search for better ways and better practices. We will likely see a major shift towards a focus on natural medicine and spiritual healing. And the sooner we make this transition, the healthier and more empowered we as a society will be.