Nutrition and Healthy Eating – a Spiritual Perspective


For people who are on the spiritual path, there can be a tendency to emphasize the spiritual over the physical. But as long as we have a physical body, it is important to keep it as healthy as our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. In fact, while we are on Earth, the physical body is literally the temple of the soul and the Higher Self.

In this article, I will summarize how to care of the physical body in terms of nutrition. Unfortunately, this is because our current society often has a conflict of interest between making profits and being honest. Therefore, some of this information may not agree with what modern society teaches us.

This information is provided so that you can make wise choices about your physical health. I am not providing a set of rules, nor am I suggesting that you must radically change your current lifestyle as quickly as possible. That said, you can profoundly improve your physical health if you use this information appropriately and tune in to your body to decide what is right for you, and in what time frame.


Some people make the topic of nutrition extremely complicated, but it doesn’t have to be that way. To eat a healthy diet, we only need to have a basic understanding of two concepts: calories and nutrients.


Most people correctly understand the concept of calories: they provide energy for the body. It is similar to adding fuel to a car. But there are a couple of misconceptions:

  • An excess of calories/fat/sugar alone is not necessarily the reason for weight gain. Weight gain is often a combination of (1) consuming too many calories AND (2) psychological factors (such as an unconscious fear of intimacy and relationships).
  • Being physically active is not the only way to expend energy. Energy can also be “lost” via emotional and mental activity. Constant worrying expends energy, as does excessive thinking and fantasizing. People who caretake others to the detriment of themselves are literally giving their energy to others.


For the body to stay healthy, it needs certain amounts and types of vitamins and minerals (i.e., nutrients). In scientific literature, we can find a lot of information about all different types of nutrients, what foods they are found in, and how they are needed by the body. This includes certain “essential amino acids” which the body supposedly can’t live without.

From a spiritual perspective, such details are unnecessary. The main thing we need to know is that nutrients are important. As we raise our energetic vibrations, we will increasingly be able to source what we need directly from the sun rather than indirectly via food. In fact, some spiritual masters are supposedly able to stay alive and healthy without consuming any food at all.

Dead vs. Living Nutrients

Nutrients are only beneficial when they are “alive.” In fact, we appear to get our nutrients from food via the process of chewing produce, which allows our bodies to absorb these nutrients. Foods that are raw and fresh have live nutrients. Processed and cooked foods have little or no live nutrients. In short: heating food and “processing” food make it less nutritious.

Some processed food manufacturers “fortify” foods with vitamins and minerals. But these nutrients are “dead” nutrients that don’t appear to provide any health benefits. Instead, there is evidence that fortification of food is actually harmful. Note that vitamin and mineral supplements seem to fall into the “dead nutrient” category as well.

Food as a Transformer

Potentially, our bodies could receive everything they need directly from the sun. The reason this is not possible is because our vibrations are too low to absorb what we need in this manner. In the Bible, the reason humans were forced to “till the Earth” (i.e., cultivate food) following the “fall of man” was because our fall in vibration made it necessary to consume food in order to keep our physical bodies alive. Before the fall in vibration, eating food was not a necessity.

That said, it is common knowledge that our bodies get vitamin D from sunlight. Potentially, as we consciously raise our vibrations we will be able to obtain other nutrients from sunlight as well. Another thing to keep in mind is that humankind is potentially transitioning away from physical bodies (and back to the lighter ethereal bodies).

In the meantime, our food is a transformer that lowers the vibration of the sun’s energy to something that our physical bodies can assimilate. However, some foods have a lower vibration that others. As we raise our vibrations, more and more foods will be vibrating lower than ourselves. The following foods vibrate at a relatively lower rate than others: sugar, dairy, red meat, and wheat. The highest vibrational foods are fresh fruits and vegetables.

At a certain point of the spiritual path, refraining from lower-vibrational foods could help you in raising your vibration. But once a high-enough level of vibration has been stabilized, eating lower vibrational foods will no longer affect a person’s energetic vibration. Therefore, it is important to never judge what others are doing, but instead to focus on doing what you personally need at whatever stage of your path you are at.


In general, our eyes are the part of our bodies that are the most capable of absorbing the sun’s energy. Although staring directly at the sun is dangerous most of the time, it is quite beneficial to “sun gaze” (look directly at the sun) during sunrise and sunset. At all other times, we can obtain more benefit from sunlight when our eyes are not shaded by sunglasses. Therefore, it would be advisable to avoid wearing sunglasses when it is safe to do so.


Health “experts” tell us that each person needs eight glasses of water a day. The amount of water needed varies significantly from person to person, and drinking too much water is also harmful. In terms of quantity, a person should drink enough water to ensure they are never thirsty, as thirst is a sign of dehydration.

The main reason for dehydration in current society is not a lack of water, but excess sugar in one’s diet. Sugar dehydrates a person and makes it necessary to drink extra fluids. It is especially troubling to see people who consume sugary drinks when thirsty, as this is both counterproductive and extremely unhealthy. The reason that many people now carry water bottles with them to stay hydrated is due to their unhealthy diets which are dehydrating them.

Note that the health experts rarely mention the importance of discontinuing the consumption of sugary drinks. Furthermore, the necessity to drink 8 glasses of water a day is to counteract the effects of drinking sugary drinks. A person with healthy eating and drinking habits would not need to drink nearly so much water.

Pure water

For health reasons, it is important to drink the purest water available. Unfortunately, that is not an easy task. Tap water is loaded with toxic chemicals, and most water purchased in a store comes in plastic bottles, and therefore contain significant amounts of plastic “microparticles.” Although water filters are probably the best choice, there are significant differences in the performance of filters. One water filter brand to check out is Berkey (using the optional fluoride filters).

Structured water

The vibration of water is also an important consideration. Studies have shown that water coming from pipes does not have the same structure as water that comes from nature. It is possible to restore the structure of water by putting it in containers with certain geometric patterns (such as Nature’s Design water bottles). It is also possible to “restructure” water using your own energy and intention. Simply put your hands next to a glass of water and give the intention for the water to be restored to its natural, healthy structure.


Of special concern to spiritual seekers is the presence of fluoride in the water. Fluoride is known to calcify the pineal gland, which can hinder spiritual progress.

The fluoride that is in our water supply is not natural fluoride, but is instead a toxic byproduct of the manufacturing industry. Decades ago, fluoride was being dumped in large quantities into nearby water supplies, which resulted in the killing all the fish in those lakes and rivers.

Properly disposing of fluoride would have been expensive, so the manufacturing industry came up with a creative idea: they produced scientific studies (that they themselves financed) to claim that fluoride was beneficial for dental care. As a result, this toxic substance is purchased from the manufacturing companies and widely dispersed into local water supplies across the country at no cost to the industries.

The FHA: Playing it safe

The Food and Health Administration (FDA) is supposedly a government organization, but most of its budget comes from the food and drug companies themselves. In other words, the FDA really works for the companies it is supposed to be regulating. Instead of protecting consumers, the FDA actually protects food producers and pharmaceutical companies. This is done by using a set of standards and procedures that focus on making products “safe” for consumers short-term, while ignoring whether they are safe long-term (as this is difficult to prove in court). In other words, the FDA uses standards designed to prevent lawsuits, while ignoring whether products are actually safe or healthy.

Safe but not healthy

One example of these standards is the process of pasteurization. Heating up beverages to kill bacteria is designed to prevent deadly “outbreaks” on a large scale. But such processes also kill nutrients, leaving our food devoid of nutritional value. The result is food that will not kill people immediately, but will result in poor health long-term (due to a lack of nutrients).

Included in the FDA’s safety standards is a concept known as “Generally Regarded As Safe” (GRAS). Substances with this label have not been proven to be safe, but can legally be added to (processed) foods anyway.  The motive for doing so is to sell more product: GRAS ingredients are used to make foods look better (such as food coloring), taste better (such as MSGs), or to keep ingredients “glued together” (using stabilizers). Additionally, food manufacturers are allowed to hide ingredients under generic terms such as “natural flavoring” and “artificial flavoring.”

Unhealthy Food and Body Odor

Our bodies include natural filtration systems designed to clear out toxins from unhealthy foods. However, an excess of unhealthy foods will overload this system. People who excessively eat unhealthy food (especially oily and fried foods) and/or consume large amounts of alcohol often clog their livers, which will result in the issue of body odor.

Society’s solution to body odor is to use deodorant, which is aimed at preventing perspiration. But most deodorant is not healthy to use (especially the type which includes aluminum and leaves brown stains on shirts). Additionally, perspiration is another way that the body uses to detoxify itself. In short: using deodorant hinders the ability to detox while potentially increasing the amount of toxins in/on the body.

The real solution to body odor is to eat a healthier diet. This will result in perspiration that is odorless, making the use of deodorants unnecessary.

Organic foods

In recent years, consumers have started to demand healthier practices for producing foods. This has resulted in the concept of “organic foods,” but this label is somewhat deceptive. Organic foods are not produced without pesticides; instead producers of organic foods are merely restricted from using specific pesticides. So while organic foods should generally be regarded as “safer,” they should not be regarded as safe.

The best way to produce healthy and safe food is to grow it yourself. The next best alternative is to buy produce from a local organic farm. Please note, however, that many local farms also sell produce that is grown elsewhere.

Food preparation

How food is prepared is as important as the food itself. In particular, heating food or chopping it into little pieces kills the nutrients. For example: a steak that is cooked rare will still have healthy nutrients, while a steak that is well-done may have not have any nutritional value. Another example: fresh raw vegetables are healthy but “juicing” vegetables by blending them will destroy the nutrients. (This is why it is important to drink vegetable juices as soon as they are prepared.)


Another item that destroys the nutritional value of food is the microwave. Microwaves literally destroy nutrients, leaving food with no nutritional value. Additionally, microwaves alter the energetic signature of foods in a way that is harmful when consumed.

Homemade Meals

The vibration of food is affected by the person who prepares it. If the person cooking the food is stressed, that stressful energy will be “baked into” the food. One of the reasons why home cooked meals are more healthy is simply because the person cooking the food is preparing the food out of love for others. That loving energy is transferred into the food and makes the food healthier as a result.