The Message and Misson of Jesus

Christian religion suggests that Jesus died for the sins of mankind in order for God’s children to be “saved.” The idea is that humans by nature are bad, and Jesus therefore sacrificed himself to prevent God’s children from going to hell. However, this entire reasoning is full of logical holes and makes very little sense when examined from an unbiased point of view.

For example, why would God (who is unconditionally loving) create hell in the first place? Also, why would God create humans who were “bad” by nature? What would be the point of doing that? And if God is all-powerful, why wouldn’t he save His children without sending Jesus as a sacrifice?

The Time of Jesus

Society during the time of Jesus was much different than today. For starters, the Jews were openly oppressed by their own strict laws and the teachers of these laws. The Jewish laws focused on “crime and punishment,” and could easily be said to be lacking in compassion.

Additionally, the Jews had been conquered by the Romans, who were also oppressive in their own ways. In order to keep their subjects in line, the Romans regularly tortured and killed people in public. This made the Jews – who considered themselves to be God’s chosen people – to become very angry and bitter towards the Romans. At the time that Jesus arrived on the scene, many Jews were looking for a “Savior” who would rescue them from Roman rule.

Conflicting Agendas

Thus when Jesus appeared, his messages of “love for all” were literally mind-blowing. It was hard for many people to understand why he would be saying such things. Instead of being a leader who would rise up and lead the Jews out of captivity (similar to what Moses had done), Jesus was teaching people about compassion for others and cultivating kindness – even for one’s perceived “enemies.” One of the key messages of Jesus was about loving others regardless of who they are or what they did to you. Jesus also stressed the need to prioritize love and compassion above strict adherence to religious rules, which greatly angered the religious teachers of his day.

Even though Jesus’s message was not what people had expected, his energy had a strong impact on people and many were moved by his teachings. He radiated love wherever he went, and performed feats that could only be described as miracles. Jesus’ miracles included many examples of healing others, and at least one occurrence of raising another from the dead. For those that were looking for a hero to rescue them from the Romans, Jesus appeared to at least possess certain magical abilities that could make this possible.

One of those who believed that Jesus could be a hero of the Jews was the disciple Judas. In Judas mind, it would be possible to force Jesus to overthrow the Romans if he were “backed into a corner.” It’s possible that due his desire to have his own agenda carried out, Judas underestimated the sincerity of Jesus and the message he was bringing into the world.

The Mission of Christ

Although Jesus had no plans to save the Jews from the Romans, Jesus was able to use Judas’ agenda to his own advantage. In coming to Earth, Jesus had several missions to carry out. One of these was to show humanity that death was an illusion and should not be feared. By willingly sacrificing his life without fear, Jesus demonstrated that physical life was not what it appeared to be. This act has inspired countless people to prioritize spiritual life over physical life. Another mission was to be an example of how it is possible to love and forgive others under any circumstances.

Of course, the greatest mission of Jesus was in the capacity of being a Savior for humankind. But Jesus did not save only Christians. Instead, Jesus saved everyone, including those who have never heard his name.

Before the birth of Jesus, humanity was literally stuck in the cycle of reincarnation. Because of the collective negative karma of humankind, it was impossible for people to clear their personal karma and escape from the physical plane. As a solution, Jesus sacrificed himself in order to clear a large portion of this negative group karma.

By allowing his innocent blood to be spilled, Jesus opened the door for individuals to be able to successfully work through their own personal karma. But – unlike what Christianity suggests – Jesus did not save us from our personal karma. He only made it possible for us to save ourselves. To better understand this difference, let’s consider the following analogy.

Falling into the Well

One day, several people walked past a well. Normally, this well was secured by a locked cover, but today the cover was open. On the cover was a sign that said “free will” and an arrow which pointed into the well. These people were curious and decided to jump into the well to experience free will.

When the people fell to the bottom of the well, they looked up to see how far he had fallen. They didn’t really like the well, and they wanted to climb out. But as they were contemplating the best way to get out, the cover of the well slammed shut and locked itself. At this point, these people were stuck in the well without any possibility for getting out.

What happened next was that Jesus came by and made a large sacrifice in order to unlock the cover of the well. What Christ did NOT do was go into the well and carry the people out. Nor did he only help those who specifically asked for help. Instead, he helped everyone equally by making it possible for the people to climb out of the well themselves.

The Real Jesus

There are four accounts in the Bible of the life a Jesus, but not a single one mentions his childhood.  During his youth, Jesus travelled extensively. From Britain to Egypt to India, Jesus was educated by advanced spiritual teachers and trained at various mystery schools. Some of his experiences are documented in “The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ” (which was taken straight for the Akashic Records).

Once he started teaching, Jesus always made it clear that he was no different or better than others. He dressed in the same ordinary clothes that other people wore. When he taught, he did not get up on a pedestal or attempt in any way to show that he was “greater” than others.

In contrast to what is written in the Bible, Jesus did not perform all the service work and teaching himself. Those that followed him helped out in various capacities. When Jesus went to communities to heal the sick, he brought other healers and other helpers with him. Together they would help to alleviate the suffering of those with illness.

While Jesus was still alive, his followers formed groups and spread his message to other communities. These activities were not directed centrally; instead, Jesus’ followers were empowered to travel wherever they believed they were needed.

The Bible makes it seem as if every healing that Jesus performed resulted in a miracle. In reality, only a minority of healings produced such results. But Jesus’ presence in itself was a powerful experience, and everyone was impacted by his presence in some way.

The Bible completely marginalizes the role that women played. Jesus’ followers included women teachers and women healers. Due to the culture of the time, it was generally not safe for these women to travel without male companions. But women did play an important role which has been erased from the Christian scriptures. For example, the majority of healers that traveled with Jesus were female, due to their innate abilities of intuition, compassion, and healing.

The Teachings of Jesus

Over the years, the teachings of Jesus have been greatly misinterpreted. The most important thing to realize is that Jesus did not spread messages of fear; his messages were about love. Any ideas or dogma used to produce fear were added later as methods to control people. Here are some of the central messages that have been perverted.

The Christ

To identify Jesus as “the Christ” was to state that Jesus acted from his Divine Self and not his ego self. The Christ is a title, and as such does not belong only to Jesus. The Christ Self is in each person, and everyone that connects with their Christ Self could be thought of as a “Christed being.” When Jesus talked about “coming to Christ” or “making Christ your Savior,” he was referring to surrender to the all-loving Christ-self within. This was an extension of Jesus’ message about love: he was explaining how to open up one’s heart and surrender to one’s Christ Self.

The Father and the Son

In spirituality, there is a Higher Self and another Self with is “above” the Higher Self.” The Higher Self is also known as the Christ Self. The “parent” of the Higher Self is referred to as several names, including the Monad, Divine Spark, and Oversoul. From one perspective, the Christ Self is the parent of the soul, and the Oversoul is the parent of the Christ Self. When Jesus talked about these concepts, he called the Oversoul the “Father,” and the Christ Self the “Son.”

It could be said that the Oversoul (which is a literal part of “God”) creates the Higher Self, which in turn creates the soul and physical body. From this perspective, the use of Father and Son makes sense. However, it’s worth noting that from another perspective, each of us IS our Higher Self and our Oversoul, although we simply don’t recognize this. Sometimes the Higher Self is described as the “future self.” Regardless, it is all the same thing. What has been lost in Christianity is that it is not just Jesus who is divine: we are all Divine.

Turning to Christ to be saved

The Christian religion claims that one must accept Christ as one’s Savior, but Jesus never intended to convey such a message. The idea of Jesus being one’s Savior is a result of misinterpreting the concept of Christ.  Once it’s understood that every person has their own Christ Self, it logically follows that each person is responsible for saving themselves. This happens when people turn within and reconnect with their own Divinity. The phrase “Know Thyself” is referring to this exact process. A person who “comes through Christ to be saved” is a person who connects with their inner Divine Self in order to balance their karma and break free from the cycle of reincarnation.

Baptism / Born Again

Although Jesus was baptized, he never actually baptized other people. The ritual of baptism was an initiation that was given by John the Baptist, and – due to his extreme humility – Jesus allowed John to perform this ritual on him. As with many initiations, this one was highly symbolic. Baptism signified dying to the ego self and be born again as the Higher Self. When Jesus talked of being “born again,” this is what he was referring to.

The Kingdom of God / “In my Father’s House there are many kingdoms”

Christianity teaches that the “kingdom of God” is heaven or paradise, and doesn’t have a good explanation for “many kingdoms.” The many kingdoms allude to the many various worlds on the astral and spiritual plane where souls and spirit beings exist when not incarnated. Between lives, a soul will exist in the world that they are most attracted to, and that will be the one which most closely matches that soul’s vibration.

As our souls evolve on the physical plane, we will be able to enter higher and higher vibrational worlds on the non-physical plane (between incarnations). Eventually, our souls will get to the point where there is no more need to incarnate. This happens when we have learned all the lessons that Earth life has to offer, and we can therefore move on to “schools” that do not involve use of a physical body.

Become as a little child to enter the Kingdom of God

Christianity is adamant that turning to Christ is the only way to enter the “kingdom of God.” The idea that you must become a little child to enter the Kingdom of God is a direct contradiction to this idea.

From a spiritual perspective, the idea behind “becoming like a little child” is that the ego is very serious and always taking things personally. This is turn creates trauma and defensive psychological structures, which are unhealthy for anyone’s psychological welfare. When we stop enjoying life but instead live in fear, we stop the process of creating and can be described as “spiritually dead.”

One way to start healing oneself is to realize that nothing is personal and there is no need for defending oneself or attacking another. This is instinctively understood by small children, who exhibit qualities of innocence because their egos have not yet had time to fully develop. Jesus is therefore using the innocence of children as an example for how a person should act in order to let go of the ego self.

Body and Blood of Christ

The passing of the cup was an Essene tradition that predated the birth of Jesus. This tradition was a ritual that had to do with community and sharing. The fact that this was an Essence tradition is confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls, and explains why they remain (for the most part) hidden away from the public. The ritual as performed by Jesus would appear on one level to be about sharing with others, and at a deeper level about sharing the teachings of Jesus with others.

Christianity has turned this ritual into a rite that is about control. I.e., members who are deemed to be “good” are allowed to partake in this ritual which suggest that they will be saved. Meanwhile, the church can potentially deny “bad” members and nonmembers from participating. As a result, this Christian rite is similar to manipulative techniques that are found in toxic cults. It should be noted that Jesus never advocated judging others for their actions or punishing them.

The concept of Hell / Eternal Damnation / The Unquenchable Fire

From the perspective of the Christian religion, the concept of hell could not be more clear. If a person is not saved by Christ (through an established church), that person will suffer in hell for the rest of eternity. This is yet another example of the type of fear-based manipulation that is often found in toxic cults.

Note that the idea of hell is only possible for those who don’t believe in reincarnation (as an Unconditionally Loving Being would never put his creations in a position where they could be condemned). With the belief in reincarnation, each individual is allowed as many opportunities as necessary to escape physical existence and reconnect with God. Oddly, Christianity does not believe that an All-Loving God should be so kind.

In his youth, Jesus was trained in a community known as the Essenes. Similar to other communities that were/are part of mystery schools past and present, the Essenes believed in reincarnation. In the Bible, Jesus and his disciples mention the fact that some people believe Jesus is a reincarnation of the prophet Elijah. This is quite interesting since reincarnation is supposedly not a part of Jewish doctrine.

When Jesus talked about fire and hell, he was referring to what happens at the psychological and spiritual levels when we disconnect from our Divine nature. As long as we deny our true selves, we can potentially stay in a psychological state of hell indefinitely. This is not a punishment that is meted out by God for being bad, but rather simply the natural consequence of being disconnected from one’s Divine Self.

The “unquenchable fire” is the symbolic fire of purification that the soul goes through on a spiritual level in order to release the false parts of self. In other words: the fire heals and transmutes the dark aspects of self by bringing them into the light. This fire of purification is not supposed to be a threat, nor is it a punishment. Instead, it is a necessary stage of spiritual development that everyone will go through.

The Return of Christ

Many Christians are taught that the world will end in a giant conflict during which Christ will come to save the “righteous.” From an unbiased point of view, this is little different from the idea that aliens will come to “rescue” the human race. In both cases, there is this belief that humanity can only be saved by something that is external to itself.

Neither Jesus nor aliens nor God will “save” the human race. The whole point from the beginning was for humankind to learn how to “save” itself, and this is exactly what is occurring. The actual “return of Christ” is the result of what occurs on an individual basis when people open their hearts to access the Christ within. As more and more people connect with their Christ Selves, the vibration of the planet is being lifted, and we head into a “brighter” future.

This article was updated on 20 September 2022