The Spiritual Significance of Negative Events


Over the last couple decades, we have been experiencing a rather chaotic mix of military conflicts, economic crises, political turmoil, and natural disasters. And while the constant chatter of negative headlines is already troubling enough, the future outlook of this planet also seems rather bleak. In fact, there are many reasons to believe that the overall situation on this planet is getting worse rather than better.

But this idea comes from the limited perspective of the ego. The ego habitually wishes for things to be a certain way, and rarely comprehends the benefits that result when the ego doesn’t get its way. In general, the ego has a habit of thinking that any time an event doesn’t turn out as desired, the result should be considered “bad.”

Although many current events do seem to be undesirable, things are not as bleak as they seem. Often there is a silver lining or hidden purpose behind many events that are usually perceived of as tragic. In this article, I will discuss a few major events that have occurred over the past 20 years, and how they have helped humanity to grow and evolve. During the discussion, it should be kept in mind that learning and growth often involve pain, and “growing pains” should not be thought of as undesirable.

I also want to point out that the spiritual perspective can be offensive to the ego, which only thinks in terms of itself in its current lifetime. It is thus helpful to keep in mind that spirituality is about the development of souls over numerous lifetimes. Any given lifetime by itself might seem to be a disaster, yet when such a lifetime is seen within the context of the many lives that shaped the development of the soul, the events in any individual lifetime can make more sense.

The Spiritual Significance of Major Events

2004 Tsunami, Indian Ocean

On December 26, 2004, a powerful earthquake in the Indian Ocean created a tsunami that killed over 200,00 people in Indonesia and surrounding areas. The event shocked the world and resulted in a massive cooperative humanitarian effort to help those that were affected.

From the perspective of the news media, this event could only be described as a tragedy. The idea that there could be a benevolent purpose in such an event would be a shocking concept. Yet if a person were to look at the event from a different angle, it would be realized that this event was in fact a major and necessary occurrence.

Like similar events, the 2004 tsunami brought the world together in ways that cannot yet be measured by scientific instruments. The energetic shifts that took place among the people of this planet were critical in altering the future of the planet itself. The incredible outpouring of compassion by humankind for what occurred literally “changed the world.”

I will be quick to add that it is not “necessary” for such so-called tragedies to occur in order to alter the energetic vibrations of humankind. Instead, humans could have prevented such an occurrence (as well as prevent future such events) by focusing more on spiritual practices, including the practice of loving and forgiving others. That said, the people who died in this event volunteered to take part in this before birth for their own individual reasons (knowing that such an event was likely, but not predetermined).

September 11, 2001

To more fully understand this event from a spiritual perspective, we must go back in history to a time that precedes the so-called “fall of man.” During this period, humans lived in the Garden of Eden and were watched over by “angels.” These angels had already lived countless lifetimes on other planets, and they were deeply involved in the creation of life on Earth. Thus, it would not be wrong to think of these angels as “aliens.”

At some point in time, other aliens became interested in Earth and wished to take control of the planet away from the “earth angels.” A battle ensued, in which the humans living on Earth were manipulated by both sides of the conflict. In short, humans were used as pawns in this galactic battle, which ended without any satisfactory victory. Instead, both sides came to the realization that control and power was meaningless as it never lead to any type of satisfactory result.

Once the conflict was over, the “Earth angels” realized how much they had abused humans for their own selfish interests. They were extremely sorry for their actions and felt that something should be done to correct their mistakes. This led to the urge for these angels to incarnate in human bodies in order to set right what they had made wrong.

The earth angels in that conflict are now known as the “old souls” and lightworkers of today. In the “war in heaven,” they were the perpetrators that harmed human beings. However, in there many lifetimes on Earth, they have become the victims. These are the spiritual seekers who have been ostracized, persecuted, and martyred.

9/11 Manipulation

The events of that day were used to gain approval for military action that would likely not have otherwise occurred. Some people believe – after careful consideration of the available evidence – that the event was staged in order to manipulate the public and gain approval for war. For these people, it can be very frustrating to see so many others who blindly accept the official narrative without questioning it.

But there is a reason that some people trust the official narrative while others don’t. The people who trust are – generally speaking – the “young souls” who do not have vast experience manipulating others and are therefore more naïve. The fact that the older souls have a history of being manipulators is exactly why they are more suspicious, and therefore harder to influence in general.

For older souls, the appropriate response to 9/11 is not to try to convince others of the “truth.” Instead, this situation provides an opportunity for older souls to forgive the current manipulators for their actions. In doing so, the old souls will be able to finally forgive themselves for their past deeds and move on to a new level of spiritual evolvement.


The strain of virus that circled the world in 2020 resulted in vastly different responses from people and governments. There were significant differences imposed on the public regarding lockdowns, social distancing, mask use, and vaccination policies. Additionally, there were plenty of accusations about where the virus came from and what its real purpose was.

Even though the virus may have seemed like a negative event, it would not be considered so from a spiritual context. (Note that we are talking about the virus itself and not the vaccine.) This so-called pandemic was extremely important in disrupting old patterns of behavior that need to be released in order to move forward towards a new Earth. A couple of these old patterns are mentioned below.

  • Work life. Before covid, most office workers were forced to work in the office the majority of the time. The pandemic was helpful in proving that this was not necessarily the case. It is likely that ideas about work life will continue to evolve thanks to the lessons learned from adapting to covid. There has also been a surge in the number of people who been motivated to quit jobs that they don’t really like and pursue their life passions instead.
  • The medical industry. Before covid, society in general had a tendency to blindly trust the “modern” approach to curing illness and disease. But the official response to covid (in Western countries) has caused many people to question whether the medical establishment actually has the best interests of the public in mind. As a result, there is a greater awareness of alternative and holistic treatments. Additionally, many people who work within the medical industry are now questioning whether those that control health policies actually have the best interests of patients in mind.
A Final Opportunity

At the personal level, Covid has provided a much-needed “reset” for many individuals individuals at a critical time. It should be noted that despite every soul’s best intentions to work through their life lessons, a significant number of people end up getting stuck in unhealthy patterns. When this happens, spiritual progress cannot be made.

For example, suppose a person has decided to reincarnate with the purpose of learning to cultivate more self-love and self-respect. To learn this lesson, the tentative life plan involves experiencing an abusive relationship. The relationship will give this person an opportunity to learn that loving oneself means standing up for oneself and choosing to walk away from an abusive situation. However, there is always the possibility that a person will be too scared to make healthy choices, and instead get stuck in abusive relationships and situations.

When people get stuck in unhealthy patterns, their physical health tends to decline after a certain amount of time. These health problems should be considered as signs and motivation to release unhealthy patterns. But when this does not occur, the soul may opt to leave the body prematurely, especially when it is believed that no more spiritual progress is likely to occur in that lifetime.

Because the Earth is currently transitioning to a higher vibration, getting stuck in unhealthy patterns of behavior at this particular time can potentially be a huge setback for a soul’s development. Generally speaking, people who have become stuck in unhealthy patterns will be in danger of not being able to continue reincarnating on planet Earth. There lower vibrations will simply make life on the higher-vibrating planet Earth intolerable. These souls will thus be “held back” and sent to another planet that is only at the beginning of a vibrational level that the Earth is currently transitioning out of.

Most of the millions of people who died from covid have immediately reincarnated into new human bodies on Earth. This has provided these souls with an excellent opportunity to transition – along with the planet – towards the “New Earth.” Therefore, while the loss of loved ones has resulted in heartache for many people, it has been an extreme blessing for those who have died and received another chance to release old patterns and enter the New Age.

The Ukraine Conflict

In a military conflict, it is extremely easy to take sides and wish one country to triumph over another (especially when your own country is involved). But as the author Mark Twain pointed out a century ago with his short prose “The War Prayer,” the wish for one side to triumph is also a desire for the other side to be defeated.

People on the spiritual path might therefore assume – given that humans are all connected – that it would be best not to take sides. But this is not entirely correct either. The true battle (if it can be called such a thing) is not about country vs. country, but the transformation of darkness into love. The challenge of spiritual seekers and lightworkers is to be a light in the middle of the darkness.

Once an ascended master was asked why most humans are unable to perform the types of miracles that Jesus was capable of. The answer was that humans simply don’t pray enough (and they are too fond of food). For many spiritual seekers who regularly practice meditation, the importance of prayer is sometimes overlooked.

In challenging times such as the present, it is important to constantly consider just how much of your life is focused on spiritual matters vs material matters. The mind In particular has a tendency to run away of its own accord. By constantly requesting help and guidance via the repetition mantras and prayers, the mind becomes trained to focus on spiritual pursuits.

Conflicts in general have a tendency to pull us off-balance. The Ukraine conflict is our current challenge for shining our lights in the midst of the darkness. It is an opportunity for us to practice unconditional love by praying for everyone on both sides of the conflict. By doing so, we can help ensure that the world successfully transitions through these current growing pains, and we end up in a better and brighter world.

Economic Hardships (Market Crashes, Inflation, Scarcity)

Currently, the economies of many countries around the world are experiencing problems that could potentially lead to some sort of a crisis (if it hasn’t happened already). When this happens, there is a lot of fear of everything being out of control. And although such moments can be frightening, they provide us with yet another opportunity for spiritual progress.

For centuries, humans have tried to control their lives by imposing their will on others and nature. But despite how much effort is involved, it is never possible for individuals to control anything on a permanent basis. Sooner or later, all efforts to exert control will collapse.

In the ancient civilization of Lemuria (referred to as the “Garden of Eden” in the Bible), humans were provided with all their needs by nature. This paradise was lost when humans decided to exert free will in order to get things that they wanted, but didn’t necessarily need. The result has been centuries of humans struggling and fighting against each other over a perceived notion that they will perish if they do not fight with each other to survive.

The solution – in the midst of chaos and a lack of control – is to release the need to be in control. In general, all tragic situations are reminders that we as individual humans are not truly in control, and never can be. When we surrender to a higher order of things, we find that everything we need is automatically provided for us.

In the Bible, Jesus suggested that we must “become like little children” in order to enter “the kingdom of heaven.” At a certain level, he was referring to this idea of surrendering control. The analogy here is that the universe is our parent, who will always supply all of our needs if we will simply recognize this fact and have trust. By recognizing ourselves as the children of this universe, we can reenter a state of paradise in which all of our needs are once again provided for us.

Planting Seeds for the Future

Personal abundance is the result of spending less time chasing desires of the ego and more time listening to the desires of the heart. And as we make the transition towards “heaven on Earth” at the global level, how this actually occurs will depend strictly on human beings themselves. We are the creators of our future, and we are in the early stages that are leading us to this New Earth.

One of the many challenges of living on this planet is that there is a “time lag” in the creative process. On higher planes, what we think or wish for immediately becomes reality. We experience this type of environment between our incarnations on Earth. It is therefore frustrating to experience an environment in which our creations require effort, focus, and time.

However, the instant creation of our thought desires on the higher planes does not lead to satisfaction. In contrast, bringing our creations into reality on the Earth plane – through effort and patience – brings us fulfillment. And we are now “planting the seeds” that will grow into the paradise on Earth that we all long for.

The Importance of Hardship

When life is going well, people do not think about creating something better. It is moments of uncertainty and chaos that provide the motivation for creating something better. And the more effort that is exerted in order to create this New Earth, the more satisfying the results will be.

The efforts that are involved in creating a New Earth are not external actions, but internal changes. This includes releasing hate, fear, worry, and judgement and replacing them with love, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. It is exactly these changes that will not only raise our own vibrations, but make it easier for others to do the same as well. As more and more people lead by example, the Earth will transform. This transformation will happen slowly at first, and then much more rapidly.

Global Warming

Over the years I’ve read quite a lot of spiritual literature, and it’s not unusual to come across ideas that are surprising and even hard to believe. There were times when I might reject certain ideas outright, but I’ve since learned to put all new ideas into a “maybe box.” This box is simply my way of accepting that something might be true, even if I’m not willing to fully believe it just yet. And one of my newest entries into the “maybe box” concerns global warming.

According to a passage in one of Earlyne Chaney’s books, global warming is actually a “step in the right direction.” However, the way that global warming occurs can potentially lead to disasters short-term. For example, if the Earth warms too quickly, this could lead to flooding of shorelines if large chunks of ice break apart at the pole regions. But if global warming is gradual enough, the ice from the polar caps will evaporate instead. The increased moisture in the atmosphere will bring the entire world into a tropical environment similar to that of ancient Lemuria. In other words, global warming is potentially a part of our transition to the New Earth.

There are many problems today that can “pull us off balance” by demanding that we take sides on an issue, and global warming is one of them. If we decide that global warming is good or bad or not happening at all, we become part of the conflict. The better option is to respect all ideas, but focus on the world we want to create instead of trying to prevent the one that we don’t. And as I mentioned previously, this is done by making internal changes.


Potentially, there seems to be a lot of frightening events taking place in the world right now. This is partly because we are now much more aware of what is taking place in the world. As a result, we are aware of a lot more negative things that are taking place. But this is because the increased light of this world makes it more difficult for negative things to stay hidden from view.

What is not often reported in the media is that a lot more good things are happening as well. The number of people who are interested in releasing old patterns and stepping into a new future increase every day. The amount of light and love on this planet continues to increase at a very high pace. The transition to a New Earth is not without growing pains, but it’s occurring much more quickly than most people realize. And when we do make it through this difficult period of time, we will be very proud of what we have accomplished.