Welcoming in a New-Age Economic System


The Earth reached a milestone in 1989 by passing into the 4th dimension. This affected the entire planet, as everyone living on it is now affected by the new energies. As we more fully embrace this transition, the systems that were created under the old energy are now in need of release. This includes financial, economic, governmental, educational and religious systems and institutions.

Naturally, people are afraid of releasing the old systems. They cling to the old, believing that by giving them up we could easily plunge into chaos. But what is not understood is that by not releasing these old systems, we are not making room for better systems to come along. Systems that work better in the new energy.

Since the 1990s, the potential for releasing these old systems has been available to us. To a very limited extent, we have seen some movement in that direction. For example, the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991.

Releasing the Old Systems

However, much is left of these institutions that no longer serve us. And the more that we continue to cling to them, the harder the shock that we may encounter when they ultimately collapse. It is analogous to being in an abusive relationship. The longer we stay in the relationship, the longer that we continue to suffer under its abuse. And the longer we cling to a relationship that is abusive, the more likely the possibility that the end will result in trauma.

Another thing to consider is that the children who are being born now are ready for the new systems. Their vibrations don’t match the old systems, and many of our younger children cannot relate to them. They feel lost on this planet, and many don’t feel like they belong here. The longer we continue to hold on to these old systems, the more that the younger generations will suffer spiritually and emotionally from living under them. I.e., we can continue to see an upward trend in teenage depression, anxiety, and suicide while the old systems remain in place.

The Economic System

One system that no longer serves humanity is the economic system, which is closely related to our current political system. The spiritual hierarchy of this planet has commented that the Earth is currently controlled by a network of wealthy individuals, and not our elected leaders. This power structure is in place because we continue to hold on to the economic system that is not sustainable, and never has been. Now that the cracks in the system are started to show, it becomes even more important to transition to a system that is more appropriate to the New Age energy.

How or what will replace the system is up to humanity as a whole. But what we need to be cognizant of is that there is a Divine blueprint that can be used to model whatever system that is implemented. But to make the translation as smooth as possible, it is necessary to release the old system without fear, and welcome the new with enthusiasm.

Welcoming a New Economic System

Anyone can help to bring in a new economic system at any time. One of the most important things to do is remove all fear of releasing the old system. It is also important to welcome in the new system with love and gratitude. The following is a quick exercise that  anyone can do.

Anytime you notice “cracks” in our current financial system (such as the stock market), take a minute to do the following:

(1) Thank our current financial system for serving us in the past.

(2) Recognize that this system no longer serves us.

(3) Set an intention for its release with love and gratitude.

(4) Set an intention that this system will be replaced with a “higher” one which will better serve humanity.