In a previous article, I examined the topic of abortion from a spiritual perspective. In this article, I would like to expand on this topic a little bit. Restriction of Free Will One of the characteristics of a highly-evolved spiritual…
Animals, Pets, and Spirituality
Animals are our companions on this wonderful planet we call Earth. While religions don’t generally put much emphasis on animals and their importance, they are an integral aspect of many ancient traditions. This article will discuss a variety of topics…
Welcoming in a New-Age Economic System
Introduction The Earth reached a milestone in 1989 by passing into the 4th dimension. This affected the entire planet, as everyone living on it is now affected by the new energies. As we more fully embrace this transition, the systems…
Choosing Ascension Part 2: Living From the Heart
This is Part 2 of a discussion on Ascension. Part 1 was an introduction to the ascension process. In this article, I will explain how to consciously ascend in order to speed up the process. It is not necessary to…
Life After the Matrix: The Next Step
Introduction For those on the spiritual path, there will be a point in life where you will discover that your reality is not as “real” as it once appeared. In fact, you are going to discover that many of the…
Choosing Ascension: An Introduction to the Spiritual Path
Introduction There is a common misconception among spiritual seekers that the goal of the spiritual path is to reach a state of enlightenment (AKA a permanent spiritual awakening). In reality, the spiritual path does not have an end goal. Instead,…
The 144,000 Volunteers
Introduction At the current moment in time, there are a lot of spiritual people (aka lightworkers) who are dealing with very difficult life situations. Many are depressed, feel lonely, and often don’t understand what their purpose is on Earth. To…
Self-Healing Techniques for Vaccine Detox and Covid-19
Summary In this article I explain how to: Safely take the covid-19 vaccine Detox and heal from the covid-19 vaccine (if you have already taken it) Heal yourself from covid-19 or any other illness Vaccine Safety Under normal conditions, vaccines…
Finding Inner Peace: the Cultivation of Love
The Goal of the Spiritual Path One way to describe the goal of the spiritual path would be to say that it is to learn to love. To accomplish this, we all go through “steps” that include learning to love…
The Proper Way to Set Intentions
One of the lessons on the spiritual path is learning how to successfully set intentions. Intentions are a powerful way of creating a fulfilling and rewarding life. But as with most spiritual concepts, the ego tries to hijack the concept…